

PhD. in History of Art


specialized in
Cookery and gastronomy in Provence and at the French court .

specialized in
Pastoralism and transhumance in Provence.

Thanks to many professional experiences in research, teaching, tourism and communication, I offer my skills in order to make accessible the development of culture and research to the most large number.

Holder of a doctorate in History of Art and guide-lecturer for more than 20 years, I am specialized in gastronomy and tableware and since 2014 in History of Provence, especially through pastoralism and transhumance.

I am also the author of several scientific works and books, some of which are present in prestigious university librairies as Harvard, Yale or Princeton : Les Rois à table, À la table des élites or Tables des riches, tables du peuple. The Académie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Marseille awarded me for this last book (Prize : Monsieur et Madame Amphoux, 2014).

Forthcoming : a chapter entitled « The diets of rich and powerful » in a collective work Early Modern Food to be published by Routledge (edited by Roderick Phillips – Department of History – Carleton University).

To download my university CV, click on the link below :
Sandrine KRIKORIAN CV universitaire 2024

To see my books : click here

To see the details of my services : click here

For more information, feel free to contact me